Project Description
Designer Colours Shop Signs
Designer Colours paint the town with illuminated shop signage
Illuminated shop signage is chosen by London based home decor company, Designer Colours. They wanted to rebrand and update the signage at their large premises in Mill Hill, in Greater London, to attract more business and boost visibility in the area.
The project involved removing old signage which was in need of a freshen up. The old signs were replaced with three individual Flex Face signs, a large canopy sign which spanned 21 metres and a stencil cut sign tray at 5.4 metres in length.
The three flex face signs cover an entire wall on the left hand side of the main building and have been painted to match the slate grey exterior. The largest of the three flex faces is installed directly above the shop window and features a very colourful graphic depicting the services and products available in store. The two smaller signs which are installed on either side of the large sign include brands available in store and opening hours.
The impressive main canopy sign tray which is a total of 21 metres in length covers three sides of a canopy which overhangs the customer car park in the centre of the premises. The main section of the illuminated shop signage which is over 17 metres long is wrapped in printed vinyl and has panel mounted built up halo illuminated letters reading “design colours”. Situated above these letters are nice brightly coloured 3D cubes formed from different coloured acrylic and illuminated on all sides. This design has also been mirrored on the right hand side of the sign tray which is 3.5 metres long so that passersby can see the business name from all angles.
On the right hand side of the premises is another entrance to the shop which needed a replacement sign. Designer Colours chose to have an alternative style illuminated shop signage with a vinyl wrapped sign tray to match the main canopy sign, however, instead of built up letters they selected stencil cut detail backed in illuminated acrylic for a simpler, elegant finish.
Designer Colours also commissioned the installation of two freestanding poster case boards that were lockable and could be easily updated. These boards were installed close to the road side and strategically angled so that traffic coming from both directions could easily see the advertisements.
To minimise disruption to business the main part of the installation took place during the last working week before Christmas which was a quieter time for Designer Colours.
For further information on options for illuminated shop signage please follow this link: Go to Illuminated Signs